Baby Born on Flickr


When the labor pains started, Ann and Conchita grabbed their cameraphone and headed to the hospital. Earlier they’d emailed all their friends with the URL of their Flickr photos and told them to watch that space. Everyone at home hit reload and reload and reload. There was Conchita in a hospital bed…and then, voila! A beautiful 9 lb. 10 oz. baby girl. Hello world!!!

Congratulations, Ann and Conchita!

There are more babies coming if the ultrasound tag is any indication.

Ultrasound 4 Reconfirmation another_foot

[Updated by Stewart: Hey! I was going to post this!! But I was also going to add one more thing: a friend of mine recently decided to announce that he and his wife were expecting a baby by IMing me with a link to a private photo of an ultrasound on Flickr.  :)   ]