Twitter Tuesday: The Forsaken Selection

#Forsaken was our #TwitterTuesday theme this week. This meant that a lot of dark and gloomy pictures came through our Twitter feed, but boy, were they good! Here are some of our favorites, hand selected by the Flickr team . . .

lost VI
Scene of the Crime
Soon the end
Abandoned Ropeway Car
gaviotas descansando


the textures of time ~ #lptg13wk14
A poor and lonesome prisoner
Chernobyl 2013
Ghost House


Desde 1977
overgrown church
Nachtleben in Lerici

All contributions can be viewed in our Twitter feed.
Thanks and make sure to check out next week’s challenge …

Posted By
Stella Jost

Stella ist Community Managerin für Flickr und verfasst Beiträge für den Flickr Blog. Sie lebt und arbeitet in München.

Stella is a Community Manager for Flickr and an editor on the Flickr Blog. She lives and works in Munich, Germany.