월 스트리트 점령

Occupy Wall Street Protest NYC

Straw Poll on Direct Action

Occupy Wall Street: NYPD guarding Citibank


Occupy Wall Street Protest NYC    Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street Protest NYC

Occupy Wall Street    Occupy Wall Street


Occupy Wall Street Protest - Day 4

Occupy Wall Street Protest - Day 4    Occupy Wall Street Protest - Day 4

Reverend Billy


Flickr에서 월 스트리트 점령을 검색하면 지난 몇 일 동안 반 월가 시위와 관련된 이미지를 더 볼 수 있습니다.

jamie nyc, Collin David Anderson, Scoboco, AACinaTime’s Up! Environmental Organization의 사진

Posted By
Kay Kremerskothen

Kay is a Community Manager for Flickr and passionate about extraordinary photography. As an editor on Flickr Blog he loves to showcase the beauty and diversity of Flickr in his posts. When he's not blogging or making Flickr more awesome (in front of and behind the scenes), you can find him taking pictures with his beloved Nikon and iPhone, listening to Hans Zimmer's music or playing board games. | On Flickr you can find him at https://flic.kr/quicksilver