NASA celebrates Earth Day on Flickr with #GlobalSelfie

Blue Marble. It’s one of the most iconic views of our planet. And now you can be a part of it.

In honor of Earth Day, NASA is conducting an initiative they’re calling #GlobalSelfie Day, where they will make a mosaic image of the Earth from the selfies people submit to the Flickr group found here.

It’s easy to take part. All you need to do is print out this flier, go outside and take a picture of yourself. Then add it to the Flickr group and share via social media using the hashtag #GlobalSelfie.

Global Selfies at Honeywell

Go to NASA’s site for more information about the #GlobalSelfie project and be sure to take part by uploading your photo to Flickr.

Photos from NASA Goddard, Ian MacDonald, Honeywell Aerospace, and spaceshiptrip