Iditarod 2010

Heeeey! Those dogs get to go first!

The look of sheer determination - Iditarod 2010

Gold and blue  Stop staring and get me outta here!  Billy Snodgrass

Off to Nome

2010 Iditarod

The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race started on March 6. During the course of the race, teams of dogs and mushers will cover 1,161 miles (1,868 km). To see more photos as they come in try a search for Iditarod sorted by most recent.

Photos from pwrplantgirl, Alaskan Dude, uzumewinter, auroraanc, Cold Press Publishing, and

Posted By
Zack Sheppard

I'm a native Nevadan. I currently work at Flickr as the Senior Community Manager, and I also do training, and some writing there. I love information, but I love people above all things.