One of the things we love most about the Flickrverse is their passionate response to world events around them. Lane Hartwell has reached out to a number of photographers and created Onè Respe:
“By now you have heard of the devastation caused by the massive earthquake in Haiti. Reports are still coming in, and the full measure of the damage is still not known. Hospitals, residences and government buildings have collapsed or have been heavily damaged. In interviews, Haitian officials have asked all friends of Haiti to please provide any assistance possible to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. They are in desperate need of medical and disaster relief supplies.
We asked several photographers to donate the use of one or more of their works to help create this issue as a fund-raising photography magazine to benefit Haiti with all proceeds from this magazine to be donated to the International Red Cross. The title Haiti: Onè Respe comes from a traditional Haitian greeting meaning “honor and respect.” — Lane Hartwell
Andy(Shotage) has created a new group, Charity Print Auctions where members can post photographs that they would like to auction for charity. Check out the group for the full details on how you can participate.
Mylens has created SOS Haiti a group on Flickr to “help raise money to the organizations working in Haiti right now.“
If you’re undertaking an endeavour in response to recent events in Haiti, please feel free to share them in this discussion topic in Flickr Central.
Onè Respe image from fetching featuring the photography of Peter Pereira.