Twitter Tuesday: The Bugs selection

Hi Flickrverse! Yesterday we asked you to show us your most interesting #Bugs photo for #TwitterTuesday. We saw all sorts of unusual, colorful and diverse bugs and even a handful of other insects meticulously photographed. You beautifully captured the details of this macro world, and we invite you to discover more creepy crawlers in our @Flickr feed.

Bug Mural
25 - May - 2013:  Ants
Filthy Flies
Beetle and Buds (explored)


Araña frente a Bellas Artes
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I'm an editor for Flickr Blog and Senior Community manager @Flickr
Ancienne élève en Art, Histoire de l'Art et Archéologie mais aussi en Arts appliqués, je suis passionnée et sensible à ce qui est beau. Sur Flickr, je découvre au quotidien des photos sublimes, des photographes de talent. Merci à eux !