‘The Adventures of Mr. Fly’

It’s ironic to think a fly created so much buzz online, but that’s exactly what happened. When Belgian web designer Nicholas Hendrickx posted “The Adventures of Mr. Fly” series, hundreds of thousands of people clicked on his photostream just to see where one little bug would turn up next.

‘The Adventures of Mr. Fly’

It’s ironic to think a fly created so much buzz online, but that’s exactly what happened. When Belgian web designer Nicholas Hendrickx posted “The Adventures of Mr. Fly” series, hundreds of thousands of people clicked on his photostream just to see where one little bug would turn up next.

‘The Adventures of Mr. Fly’

It’s ironic to think a fly created so much buzz online, but that’s exactly what happened. When Belgian web designer Nicholas Hendrickx posted “The Adventures of Mr. Fly” series, hundreds of thousands of people clicked on his photostream just to see where one little bug would turn up next.

Flickr Friday: High Noon

每天日正當中時,大家都在做些什麼?不妨拍拍照吧!本周 #FlickrFriday 主題是「正午時分」 #HighNoon,請發揮你的創意,把最有趣的相片投稿過來吧!

Flickr Friday: High Noon

每天日正當中時,大家都在做些什麼?不妨拍拍照吧!本周 #FlickrFriday 主題是「正午時分」 #HighNoon,請發揮你的創意,把最有趣的相片投稿過來吧!