What’s new at night

A river reflecting city lights, the Milky Way seen at 10,000 feet, fireflies in the woods — so many enticing moments at night have been well captured lately by these notable photographers located around the world.

Simply Köln

“Köln [Cologne], Germany, and the Rhine river. Hohenzollernbrücke is the bridge in the foreground with the Kölner Dom and Musical Dome to the right. View is from the east side of the river.” – kanaristm

The Milky Way at Haleakalā Crater

“Haleakalā Crater is located in Maui. The observation building (light painted), seen in the bottom of this picture is at 10,000 feet.” – westrock-bob

Shard At The Witching Hour . . . . . EXPLORED!

“This is a view back over London Bridge (thankfully not falling down!) to the Shard and Southwark. I wanted to try and create a sense of peace in this shot — it’s such a hectic area of London that any moment of tranquility is precious. 1 minute 40 second exposure with a big-old shift in the white balance.” – Al Richardson

El sueño de la Princesa que llegó a ser Reina - The dream of the princess who became Queen

“The night fog descends on the hills surrounding Ribadesella [Spain] …” – Jose Manuel Rodriguez

Synchronous Fireflies

“Photographed in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park [North Carolina and Tennessee].” – Bernie Kasper

Light trails at the Sun Yat-sen Freeway 五楊高架車軌

Yangmei Town, Taiwan.


Manhattan, New York City, skyline.

The Şehzade Mosque, Istanbul Turkey

Şehzade Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey.

Shanghai - Pearl of the Orient Tower

“The China Customs building (left) and Ping An Insurance building (right) bow in reverence before the Pearl of the Orient Tower, Shanghai’s modern landmark.” – Markus Bahlmann

Praia Vermelha at Night

View of Sugarloaf Mountain from Praia Vermelha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

See, and share, more photos in the Night scenery gallery and Night on earth group.

What’s new at night

A river reflecting city lights, the Milky Way seen at 10,000 feet, fireflies in the woods — so many enticing moments at night have been well captured lately by these notable photographers located around the world.

Simply Köln

“Köln [Cologne], Germany, and the Rhine river. Hohenzollernbrücke is the bridge in the foreground with the Kölner Dom and Musical Dome to the right. View is from the east side of the river.” – kanaristm

The Milky Way at Haleakalā Crater

“Haleakalā Crater is located in Maui. The observation building (light painted), seen in the bottom of this picture is at 10,000 feet.” – westrock-bob

Shard At The Witching Hour . . . . . EXPLORED!

“This is a view back over London Bridge (thankfully not falling down!) to the Shard and Southwark. I wanted to try and create a sense of peace in this shot — it’s such a hectic area of London that any moment of tranquility is precious. 1 minute 40 second exposure with a big-old shift in the white balance.” – Al Richardson

El sueño de la Princesa que llegó a ser Reina - The dream of the princess who became Queen

“The night fog descends on the hills surrounding Ribadesella [Spain] …” – Jose Manuel Rodriguez

Synchronous Fireflies

“Photographed in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park [North Carolina and Tennessee].” – Bernie Kasper

Light trails at the Sun Yat-sen Freeway 五楊高架車軌

Yangmei Town, Taiwan.


Manhattan, New York City, skyline.

The Şehzade Mosque, Istanbul Turkey

Şehzade Mosque, Istanbul, Turkey.

Shanghai - Pearl of the Orient Tower

“The China Customs building (left) and Ping An Insurance building (right) bow in reverence before the Pearl of the Orient Tower, Shanghai’s modern landmark.” – Markus Bahlmann

Praia Vermelha at Night

View of Sugarloaf Mountain from Praia Vermelha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

See, and share, more photos in the Night scenery gallery and Night on earth group.