Flickr Friday: The Lantern Selection

Lights, Candles, Lanterns – who doesn’t love the magical atmosphere they create?! Last week we asked you to share your creative #Lantern-shot for Flickr Friday.
Thank you for all the marvelous submissions in the Flickr Friday group pool. Here is a selection of our favorites . . .

Lantern #1

Lantern of love

happy new year
An urban campfire #Lantern
A lantern's light
Candlelight in the snowy blue evening

Blue lanterns
52/366 Lantern Silhouette.
Posted By
Stella Jost

Stella ist Community Managerin für Flickr und verfasst Beiträge für den Flickr Blog. Sie lebt und arbeitet in München.

Stella is a Community Manager for Flickr and an editor on the Flickr Blog. She lives and works in Munich, Germany.

Flickr Friday: The Lantern Selection

Lights, Candles, Lanterns – who doesn’t love the magical atmosphere they create?! Last week we asked you to share your creative #Lantern-shot for Flickr Friday.
Thank you for all the marvelous submissions in the Flickr Friday group pool. Here is a selection of our favorites . . .

Lantern #1


Lantern of love


happy new year
An urban campfire #Lantern
A lantern's light
Candlelight in the snowy blue evening


Blue lanterns
52/366 Lantern Silhouette.
Posted By
Stella Jost

Stella ist Community Managerin für Flickr und verfasst Beiträge für den Flickr Blog. Sie lebt und arbeitet in München.

Stella is a Community Manager for Flickr and an editor on the Flickr Blog. She lives and works in Munich, Germany.