Gabrielle Morse is a photographer, film maker, and member of Black Women Photographers whose work is known for its vibrant colors and captivating compositions. Gabrielle’s passion for storytelling shines through in each of her photographs, as she expertly captures the essence of her subjects with grace and authenticity.
Meet Gabrielle Morse – a filmmaker and photographer hailing from Atlanta, Georgia. Gabrielle is a graduate of Spelman College with a degree in documentary filmmaking and has been practicing photography for eight years.
When asked how she got started in photography she shared, “When I was thirteen, my parents let me use their old, Nikon film camera. In the 2010s, Tumblr heavily influenced me then, so I focused on taking pictures of things I deemed aesthetically pleasing. When I finally received my first DSLR as a Christmas gift, I immediately began capturing portraits of friends, asking them to pose in various photoshoots.”
Gabrielle describes her photography style mainly as editorial, and recently has a growing interest in archival photography. She enjoys experimenting with various colors and compositions in both genres. Her gear includes a Canon EOS R7 as her main camera and a Minolta Panorama Film Camera that recently she’s enjoyed using when capturing more spontaneous photos.
She shared that she enjoys shooting in spaces with an abundance of leading lines already present. “Sometimes that includes natural settings such as fallen trees or grassy areas. Other times, I am pulled towards industrial areas, places that seem almost abandoned. I enjoy quiet places, as it allows me to focus on the subject and their surroundings.”
We asked Gabrielle to share a recent photo shared in the Black Women Photographers group and tell us about it. Upon sharing the above photo she said, “I chose this shot from a series I made called Deep and Dark and Dangerous, because I love the expression the model is making. While the features of her face are mostly lost within the movement and shadows of the scarf draped over her, they are still outlined by the ripples of the accessory.”
When asked about capturing and editing the photo she said, “To capture the photo, I had two people on either side of the model shake the scarf as she was underneath it. With this, I was hoping to achieve a sense of fluidity and movement, almost as if she were in water. The title of the photo comes from one of my favorite childhood horror stories “Deep and Dark and Dangerous.” I used Lightroom to darken the mood of the photo even further, creating what I feel is a mysterious and perhaps emotional feeling that matches the expression of the model.”
In addition to photography, Gabrielle is very passionate about filmmaking and the history behind it. “I have always been fascinated with the process, and no matter how tedious it can be, I always find myself enraptured in what I am doing.”
Check out more of Gabrielle’s photography and film work on her website: https://www.gabrielleamphotography.com/! If you would like to get in touch with Gabrielle, please feel free to email her at gabrielleamphotography@gmail.com .
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