We’ve been following the story of tiny Eric Snowdeal IV, whose mother fell ill with preeclampsia, and little Eric had to be delivered at only 24 weeks. His mother has recovered, but little Eric is still in the hospital where he will remain for the next few months.
Only 1.7 lbs. at birth, his father has been recording the amazing details of his story on his weblog, where you can learn all about micropreemies and kangaroo care.
We hesitated to link to his pictures, since they were so personal, but yesterday his site was linked from boingboing.net so we couldn’t possibly be sending any more traffic his way than has already arrived. Please visit Eric and his family. This is a beautiful, moving record of a difficult time in a family’s life, and a tough little guy who is pulling through in the most adverse of circumstances, and, as you can see, smiling.