[flickr video=http://www.flickr.com/photos/rosellaphoto/3760842425/]
There are lots of recipes & photos of delicious food on Flickr. There are thousands in the Recipes to Share group. Or, try a search for recipe and ingredients. Including the word ingredients in your search helps ensure that you get actual recipe results, since any actual recipe will include the ingredient list. Or if there is something in particular you want to make, you can search recipe and pizza, cake, pie, etc. (Or again, add ingredients to the search to make the results even more accurate.)
Now, if you’ll excuse me, looking at all that wonderful food is making me hungry!
Photos and video of tasty delights from j_boogie, beebo wallace, superlocal, Lindsay Beyerstein, cathou_cathare, rosellaphoto, MontanaRaven, , and Sunshine Hanan.