Earlier this year we wrote about a special Flickr meetup that happened in Indiana. Unlike other meetups the Midwest Flickr Gathering 2012 took place during the span of several days with Flickr members traveling from all parts of the country. This week, the organizers Ethan Eugene Coverstone and David Talley have pulled off another meetup in and around Los Angeles — this time with an even larger group of people from all over the world.
We’d like to invite you to join this group for a day-long, epic photo-walk through the waterfalls and forests in Pasadena, CA.
We’ll be meeting on December 30th, at 9 AM at the Chantry Flats Parking Lot and Trailhead in Pasadena.
If you would like to come, please head over to our meetup page where you can RSVP:
It’s going to be a great opportunity to meet new Flickr friends, chat with folks that work at Flickr, and spend a great day taking photos — with whatever camera you like. You might even learn a new trick or two.