Protests in Brazil

Manifestações Brasília


Manifestação Passe Livre - São Paulo

Vem Pra Rua - Manifesto no Acre



Over two weeks ago, Brazil’s “Free Fare Movement” demonstrators organized protests against an increase in public-transit fares in a few cities across the country. On June 13, the protests escalated at Brazil’s largest city, Sao Paulo, where military police injured over 100 people. The nation’s politicians now face widespread upheavals that’s grown far beyond the initial discontent regarding transit, and crowds of more than 200,000 protesters have publicly displayed their grievances about police violence, government spending, and political corruption. To appease the rebelling masses and answer to the pervasive media coverage, President Dilma Rousseff announced plans to cut bus fares for a few cities. Nevertheless, Brazil’s civil unrest will most likely continue, especially from disagreements over spending for major sporting events, including 2014 World Cup soccer and 2016 Olympics investments.

Photos from rafaelhbarroso, Alexssandro Loyola Freitas, demiante, Alexandre Noronha, bfernandes, felmagalhães, and Nasci*.