
布达拉宫夜景 The nightscape of the Potala Palace


Criss Cross [Explored]

Boulder Pano

The Haze


2013 Seoul International Fireworks Festival

The night presents many challenges when it comes to photography, but many of you embrace it and do wonders with what it offers. Nighttime’s darkness and limited light adds drama to an abundance of scenery, including these shots of urban and rural places.

Explore more photography of the popular locations featured here: Potala Palace, Lhasa, Tibet | Sydney Harbor, Australia | Seoul, South Korea

See, and share, more photos in the Night Scenes gallery and Night Shot group.

Photos from 阿郭夸擦, Squirrelgirl111, DILLEmma Photography, picturesbysteve, ourkind, Peter Hauri, and junezel.