The Day of the Dead (Día de Muertos) is a Hispanic tradition that is celebrated in Mexico, some Central American communities, and the United States. To date, it also represents a cultural mix deriving from the period of the Spanish conquest of Central America. For this holiday, Catholic and Hispanic cultures combine in honor of deceased loved ones, who are believed to return to the living world every November 1 and 2. Parts of this veneration are prayers, family visits to cemeteries, and special altars, where the dead can find endless food from the living.
See, and share, photos from this year’s festivities in the Day of the Dead gallery.
Photos from caliopedreams, Francisco Soto, Fernando Messino, tetrabrain, Ana N R, Juan Chanclas, cefuenco, Diógenes a 2 (El Travieso), Christian González Verón, and Alanna Kellog.