Catchy Colors: The Maroon-Selection

Shades of Maroon

These are some of our favorite photos that were posted for the last week’s Maroon theme in the Catchy Colors-Group. Join the group to participate in our weekly color challenges and check out the Flickr Blog for more inspiring photography.

Check out the complete ‘Maroon’ gallery and add your favorite images in the comments.

Japanese Maple
leaves (CC_moroon)
tiny white bugs
Decorating gifts.
Maroon onion
Maroon Lily
good karma (Dahlia 'Karma Chocolate')
Don't Let Me Down
N. Clark St Bridge

Posted By
Stella Jost

Stella ist Community Managerin für Flickr und verfasst Beiträge für den Flickr Blog. Sie lebt und arbeitet in München.

Stella is a Community Manager for Flickr and an editor on the Flickr Blog. She lives and works in Munich, Germany.