Flickr Friday: #Voice Selectiions

The theme for #FlickrFriday last week was #Voice. So many interesting photos were submitted into our group. You showed us so many kinds of voice, from whisper, singing, to loud shout out. It is not so easy to transform the sound into a visual form, but you still done that so good.

Flickr Friday: #Voice

From soft whispers to loud shout, #voice is so amazing to us. It is not only an important media to convey what we feel and think. but also a form of art.

Take your best shot for this week’s Flickr Friday, and share it to our Flickr Friday group pool. We will feature our faves in the Flickr blog in the next week.

Twitter Tuesday: #Hands Selections

The #TwitterTuesday theme we announced yesterday was #hands, a theme that simple or not simple. We’ve got tremendous submissions not only in amount but also the creativity. You showed us so many possibilities that our hands could do, so as your imaginations.

Twitter Tuesday: #Hands

Some said that two of the most beautiful parts of our body are our #hands. Hands do not only hold, throw, give and receive things, but also have great ability to express our subtle feelings to others.

Flickr Friday: #BehindTheLens

Usually we are more focused on things in front of our lens. In this week’s #Flickr Friday we invite you to a challenging theme: What are the things #BehindTheLens when we take a photo?