Father Recreates Famous Photos with His Daughter

The Black Heroines Project began as a way to help Marc Bushelle’s 5-year-old daughter Lily learn about African-American women whose strength and courage have made a difference in the world. His photos featuring Lily beside photos of iconic women have gone viral and have led to a number of fascinating surprises.

Movie-poster images honor everyday heroes

As a kid growing up, Brandon Cawood loved superheroes. As he got older, he began to realize that real-life superheros were all around him. The 30-year-old photographer decided to give firefighters, police officers, and emergency responders the kind of superhero treatment they deserved, by creating epic movie-poster style photos of those first on the scene.

Twitter Tuesday: Hero

Yesterday you showed us some terrific #Hero photos for #TwitterTuesday. Super powers, courage, bravery — all sorts of heroes! Some of you also interpreted the theme with a different approach showing us your everyday heroes and people you look up to.