5 Questions on code.flickr

Stick Figures in Peril

Our sister blog, code.flickr has launched their own string of 5 Questions:

Banana-bub “This is our version, asking questions of those that develop, hack and fiddle with Flickr in new and interesting ways. Of course we couldn’t start with anyone else but KrazyDad (aka Jim Bumgardner).

Jim founded the Flickr Hacks group back in the day, a great place to hang out and ask question if you want to learn how to bend Flickr to your will. In 2006 he also coauthored the Flickr Hacks book for O’Reilly and happily for us he hasn’t stopped tinkering with Flickr yet.

So, without any further ado, 5 Questions for Jim Bumgardner.”

Photos from krazydad / jbum.