Pinhole! Pinhole! Pinhole!

Oxford Lake

sisters    spirited away

This coming Sunday is the 10th anniversary of Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day. If you’ve never pinholed, you’re missing out and if not having a pinhole camera is what’s stopping you — make your own.

dippold pinhole camera tutorial

dippold pinhole camera 1.0Dippold has instructions and a template that you can download to make your own. When you’re done, share your photos in any number of our pinhole groups: Pinhole, Homemade Pinhole, Pin-olheiros, Pinhole Photography, etc.

Check out the WPPD site for events near you.

Photos from surgeon24hrs, doublecappuccino, and cloudy images. View more photos tagged with “pinhole” or in our “pinhole” clusters.