Memories of Versailles

Versailles4 (July 2011)

my mom at Versailles

Visiteurs en famille dans les années 1960

The famous Palace of Versailles near Paris, built by the "Sun King" Louis XIV, is one of the most wonderful French landmarks and known all over the world. To celebrate this history, the curators at the Palace invite you to join their group Souvenir pictures of Versailles and share your photographic memories of the castle with the world.

A selection of the photos uploaded to the group will be showcased on the Palace of Versailles website where you can also find further information about the project.

Photos from Candys room, Estelle80 and chateauversailles. Discover other beautiful photos taken in Versailles in our photo search.

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Ancienne élève en Art, Histoire de l'Art et Archéologie mais aussi en Arts appliqués, je suis passionnée et sensible à ce qui est beau. Sur Flickr, je découvre au quotidien des photos sublimes, des photographes de talent. Merci à eux !