It’s been a while since we published our last installment of the 5 Questions. We’re now reviving the project with a slight change, giving the current interviewee the opportunity to ask the member they choose for the next interview a question they’ve been dying to ask. We hope you enjoy the new series.
For our first installment of the new series, we’re in Toronto, Canada, to meet with Leslie Thomson.
If you’re not familiar with her work, here’s what the Flickrverse has to say:
“Leslie has one of the most impressive streams on Flickr. Her way of seeing and capturing things amazes me every time I visit. Her photos are unique, inviting, nostalgic and just beautiful. She’s an inspiration.” — *December Sun
“Leslie has the ability to capture what most would simply look past and turn it into a work of art most could not keep their eyes off. This is the mark of a true artist and one who’s stream I always look forward to viewing. Leslie, most of us would agree you have the most magically lit house ever, or that you just know how to capture it better than us! Thank you for sharing your work.” — {meghan}
“I am always amazed by her elegance and the work she does with light. Each shot is filled with soft light and softness, whether a flower a landscape or a still life. She is also a friend with who you are able to stand face to face and talk about your different opinion. I guess this is an important quality for each human being, first of all for a photographer.” — .fulvio
1. Leslie, we know it’s a tough question, but if you had to pick just one camera to shoot with from now until the end of time, what would that be?
My Pentacon six. Even though it is a bit of a beast (kind of like a 35mm on steroids) it is a remarkably easy medium format camera to handle and shoot with plus I am always amazed at the results. It does have its issues, such as a terrible finder and film spacing problems but when you hit the right spot with the right light the image will turn out to be from a different world and that keeps me shooting everything i can with it.
2. Another (possibly) tough question… Tell us your favourite photos on Flickr, and why you like them. First, a favourite from your photostream?
Not much to say here other than it perfectly conveyed and echoed my emotions at that moment. It was also a moment that i was very aware that photography touches something deep inside myself.
And from another Flickr member?
In fact, any by *6261 (Teiko). The placement of the figure turned away from us is anonymous and mysterious and we, as the viewer, become the subject in the photograph. I’m instantly transported to a beautiful rarefied world. She is one of my favourite photographers on flickr. She creates these very beautiful cinematic moments with vintage film cameras…a true artist.
3. What’s one tip that you would share with someone who’s just picking up a camera?
Turn your camera off “automatic” mode.
4. Which Flickr member should we ask the 5 questions of next?
soup & sunday; her work is imbued with such beautiful warmth and richness. Most of her photos are of her daily life and she has this wonderful talent of turning these seemingly mundane details into works of art. There is always a hook, usually a very interesting crop or a certain slant of light that turns these everyday objects or subjects into something incredibly moving and emotive. One can imagine being in the scenes she is photographing, you want to be there. .
5. Which question about their photography did you always want to ask soup & sunday?
How did photography come to be a part of your life?
Kay: Leslie, thank you very much. We’ll return with our interview of soup&sunday soon. Happy weekend, everyone!
Photos from leslie*thomson, *6261, and soup & sunday.