Ein Tag in der Halong-Bucht

Morning fog on Halong bay

m o o n     Halong Dawn

Halong Bay

Halong Bay Vietnam March 2009     Setting sails, Halong Bay, Viet Nam

Titop Island

Weitere wunderschöne Fotos findet ihr unter dem Suchbegriff halong bay.

Fotos von ico_nico, BB (O.ö), Julian Kaesler, Cap’n Surly, Larpoon, “星翼Memory Drum” und Le Shann.

Posted By
Kay Kremerskothen

Kay is a Community Manager for Flickr and passionate about extraordinary photography. As an editor on Flickr Blog he loves to showcase the beauty and diversity of Flickr in his posts. When he's not blogging or making Flickr more awesome (in front of and behind the scenes), you can find him taking pictures with his beloved Nikon and iPhone, listening to Hans Zimmer's music or playing board games. | On Flickr you can find him at https://flic.kr/quicksilver