Tsunami Quilt Group

Tsunami Quilt Square Tsunami Quilt block CANDIED PETITS-FOURS' SQUARE BY PLANETA HILDA tsunamiquilt

tsunamisquare hammer millagrimas tsunami quilt

Each of these squares was made by hand by a different member of the Tsunami Quilt group:

I would like to invite you to join this collaborative project. The objective is to create a hanging quilt that will be auctioned on ebay on behalf of the Tsunami Victims. I would like that we could create a inspiring quilt that will assemble different fabric arts and crafts, and send a message of hope to those who have lost everything. So please create one or more squares and send them to me to be assembled. I’ll post pictures as soon as you send them.

This is an project open to everyone.

To participate please create a 15 x 15 cm square (aprox. 6 inches square) out of a textile medium and embellish your contribution.

The finished quilt will be auctioned on eBay, and the proceeds donated to UNICEF.