Plugging it all in again!

You may have noticed that Flickr was gone for the last hour – we did! Turns out that we had a cascading power failure and are in the middle of replacing some electrical gear. Will be done in a few more minutes!

Update @ 5:49pm: now we really are almost done. As sometimes happens with power failures, bringing all the systems back online was more challenging than we originally thought.

Update @ 7:07pm: final testing is almost complete.

Update @ 8:42pm: testing revealed problems, the fixing of which
revealed other problems, making us want to buy a ticket for Fiji and
just chill out far away from computers for a little while …
but the recursive problem tree is being traversed and like the monkeys
we are, we’re gibbering with glee that the end appears to be in sight.

Update @ 9:13pm: Well, that sucked. And we’re all tired and humiliated and cursing the very idea of alternating current, but hey: the site is back up and everything should be back to normal and though not quite "better than ever", in a certain sense it feels that way.