It makes me as happy as a brand new balloon to announce the newest member of our team, Heather Champ, who is joining us today as Community Manager. Heather has been a Flickr member since, gosh, forever, and her career has been centered around personal publishing, online community and photography. She’s a legend! Perhaps you’re familiar with some of her other work, such as The Mirror Project, or JPG Magazine or have seen her lifetime achievement award from the Bloggies? This woman has chops.
As you can see from the photo, she is also very strong, and hangs out with Donatella Versace.
You’ll be seeing Heather posting to the blog and the forums, organizing Flickr meetups, getting you Flickr schwag, developing community policies and standards, finding out what you all need and generallly representing the needs of the Flickr community. Dog people especially will want to take notice, since Heather has taken some of the best dog photos around, including one you may recognize. Cat people, next hire, OK?
So I’m going to trot out the clichés (happy as a clam, pleased as punch), and say: Hip hip hooray!!!!