Wildlife is spotted in the App Garden!

Are you into nature and wildlife photography? Then hop over to the App Garden for two applications that will help you locate wildlife near you and share your photos of the wild kingdom with others. Both applications power websites that include Flickr photos, trips of animal sightings, and communities of nature enthusiasts.

Simon Willison and the team at Wildlife Near You built an app that allows you to share trip reports and wildlife sightings as well as search for wildlife near you. Import your Flickr photos of wildlife so that the community can help you identify the species in your photos.

Wildlife Near You

Wildlife Near You

Adam Jack’s WildObs also allows you to import your photos for identification and discovery. They make great use of geolocation data, too, placing a map right on the photo page. Both applications link your photos back to Flickr, too, so that visitors can comment, fave, or check out the rest of your photostream.



Enjoy your wildlife encounters!

Applications by Simon Willison and Adam Jack.