Mono Monday: Pets

For this week’s Mono Monday, we’re smiling at pets, and sometimes their humans. The photos below are some of the nicer black and white images with animals many people keep as pets. And then there’s the seagull shot at the bottom (not really a pet, nice shot, Marthinus!).

Please feel free to share your best monochrome photos by tweeting your Flickr images with #MonoMonday or add a comment to our Facebook and Google+ pages. Thanks to everyone who participated last week.

Next week’s theme is “reflections of you,” interpreted however you like. The only rule is mono.

Russian Blue
The Look
Self portrait
8 - Jan - 2014 - Black and White

A bearded man with his pet

Smiley carrot
Give us a Kiss...
"Mum ?"
Alien or just a turtle eating...?
Jonathan Livingstone Seagull ?