Twitter Tuesday : Space

#TwitterTuesday: Space | The final frontier, the ultimate destination for human kind. Share us the most beautiful #Space shots to @Flickr with the hashtag #TwitterTuesday!


#Space: The final frontier. The ultimate destination for human kind. Go boldly where no other photographer has gone before on this #TwitterTuesday, and show us your best shots from your archives! Share the photos from your Flickr account on Twitter to @flickr for #TwitterTuesday. We’ll showcase the best ones on FlickrBlog tomorrow.


CC-BY photo from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


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I'm an editor for Flickr Blog and Senior Community manager @Flickr
Ancienne élève en Art, Histoire de l'Art et Archéologie mais aussi en Arts appliqués, je suis passionnée et sensible à ce qui est beau. Sur Flickr, je découvre au quotidien des photos sublimes, des photographes de talent. Merci à eux !