Flickr Friday: Modern Times – The Selection

The theme for last week’s #FlickrFriday was #‎ModernTimes and we loved your interpretations. Thank you for all the wonderful submissions! It was very difficult to make the final selection. These are some of our favorites. Please visit the Flickr Friday group to see all the images.

Unintended Consequences
Modern or not, I still don't like it !
Battery-powered ballad
Ain't it sad?
righteous vs evil
Modern times



Modern times #ModernTimes . Ship might be different but it's wake is same.


Loneliness DSLR
Modern Times
Evolution of 'Film'
Posted By
Stella Jost

Stella ist Community Managerin für Flickr und verfasst Beiträge für den Flickr Blog. Sie lebt und arbeitet in München.

Stella is a Community Manager for Flickr and an editor on the Flickr Blog. She lives and works in Munich, Germany.