Fresh new styling for maps on Flickr

We’re happy to announce a small but important update to all maps on Flickr. Starting today we’re rolling out an update to use map imagery provided by the wonderful folks at Mapbox. We’ll ramp up the release over the next day or two. The update only affects map styling; it does not affect whether or where a map displays.


These new maps have a number of nice touches that help tell the story of where in the world your photos were taken. Mapbox’s data for roads, natural features, and even businesses are top notch – and easy to contribute to. Additionally, as you zoom in on a map, terrain data will start to appear, which is helpful for your outdoor shots in rugged environments. And now all maps take advantage of high resolution screens and appear with extra sharpness.


All maps on Flickr should behave the same as they always have, just now with street, satellite, and “hybrid” imagery from our new provider. If you have any questions ask in our Help Forum or visit our Help Center. Check out your map here!

Fresh new styling for maps on Flickr