要訴說一個精彩的故事? 我們會傾心聆聽!


我們知道每天在 Flickrverse 都有很多精彩的事情發生。 你有小技巧可以幫助大家改善攝影技巧、使用 API 建立精彩的應用程式、自家製作器具、組織精彩的 photowalks 和活動,並分享世界各地的冒險經歷。 簡單來說,Flickr 還有許多事情發生,都值得放在 FlickrBlog 或在以下網址分享給大家@flickr

如果你希望分享各種故事,關於你正努力的獨特攝影專案、Flickr 如何改變你的人生、幫助你找到新朋友(或伴侶)、令你成為一個更出色的攝影師、或是發現意外收穫的點點滴滴,歡迎在這裡告訴我們全新幫助頁面聯絡表格


Posted By
Kay Kremerskothen

Kay is a Community Manager for Flickr and passionate about extraordinary photography. As an editor on Flickr Blog he loves to showcase the beauty and diversity of Flickr in his posts. When he's not blogging or making Flickr more awesome (in front of and behind the scenes), you can find him taking pictures with his beloved Nikon and iPhone, listening to Hans Zimmer's music or playing board games. | On Flickr you can find him at https://flic.kr/quicksilver