各位熱愛攝影的好朋友,歡迎再度參加 Flickr Photo Walk 活動!這次的活動地點,是台北市迪化街,我們在 5/4 (日)邀請大家來到迪化街,把大稻埕的最美風情,一起拍下來!
這次的 Photo Walk 不只是在台灣進行,全球還有四十多個城市,在五月四日當天一起進行 Photo Walk,以慶祝Flickr的十周年慶。
這次的 Flickr Photo Walk,將在 2014年五月4日(日)下午一點半正式開鑼。集合地點在台北市大稻埕戲苑。大家先報到後,我們會有個簡短的行前說明,讓大家在拍照前,對大稻埕和迪化街有更多了解,然後就可以盡情取景拍照。在兩小時的拍攝活動結束後,再請大家回到集合點、一邊分享彼此的作品,一邊享用輕食和飲料!
當天的活動也將邀請多位特別來賓,包括兩位知名街拍攝影家老查和森爸 (Ethan Chiang),以及在地深耕的小麥,在當天陪伴大家一同發掘大稻埕之美。
只要您是 Flickr 會員,就可以免費參加 Flickr Photo Walk 活動,除了能彼此分享相片、切磋攝影技藝外,還有機會獲得 Flickr 限量贈品。開放參加人數有限,報名請快!
* 詳細活動資訊如下
日期:2014年5月4日(日) 集合時間:12:30~13:00 活動時間:13:00~17:30 集合點:臺北市大同區迪化街一段21號8樓 大稻埕戲苑 拍攝點:迪化街/大稻埕 開放報名人數:60人(每次報名僅限一人,如需攜伴參加請分別報名) 攝影器材:不限(最好同時攜帶您的個人筆電,以便快速挑選您最滿意的作品與大家分享) 費用:免費 詳細活動行程與注意事項,將在報名成功後以 Email 通知您。
We are going to have the 2nd time of Flickr Photo Walk in Taipei on 5/4, Sunday. It is part of the global Flickr Photo walks in more than 40 citiies around the world. We invite all flickr users to join the photo walk for free.
On that day, you will take great photos in Dadaochen, the origin of the development of Taipei where a lot of amazing temples and historical buildings located, and along with visitors from everywhere. And you will share the great photos each other with drinks and snakes after the shooting session. 3 special guests, Charles Lee, Ethan Chiang, and Shiao-Mai will join with us and provide their professional advises on the photo walk.
To join the photo walk is totally free for all Flickr users, and all you need to do is to register as soon as possible.
Date: 2014/5/4 (Sun.) Time of Arrival: 12:30 Venue: Dadaochen Xiyuan (8F, No.21, Di-Hua Street Sec.1, Taipei, Taiwan) (one person per registration) Devices: Any (Please take your laptop computer with you for selecting the photos for quick sharing) Price: Free Details of the photo walk and notes will be sent to you by email after your successful registration.