Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street Protest NYC

Straw Poll on Direct Action

Occupy Wall Street: NYPD guarding Citibank


Occupy Wall Street Protest NYC    Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street Protest NYC

Occupy Wall Street    Occupy Wall Street


Occupy Wall Street Protest - Day 4

Occupy Wall Street Protest - Day 4    Occupy Wall Street Protest - Day 4

Reverend Billy


You can see more images from the protests on Wall Street over the past few days by searching Flickr for Occupy Wall Street

Photos from jamie nyc, Collin David Anderson, Scoboco, AACina, and Time’s Up! Environmental Organization.

Posted By
Zack Sheppard

I'm a native Nevadan. I currently work at Flickr as the Senior Community Manager, and I also do training, and some writing there. I love information, but I love people above all things.