Flickr members in the new Yahoo! Weather Android app

WEATHERFAQIMG2    Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park

Yahoo! Weather is releasing a new Android app today featuring some of the beautiful photos of sunny days, starry nights, and everything in between that Flickr members have captured from all over the world. When you look up the weather in a location you see a photo of that place in those conditions when a photo is available. Featured photos are from Flickr members participating in the Project Weather Group with a link back to the photo bringing more visitors to their photos!

The app is available as a free download in the Android Market in 35 languages and 63 countries.

Blue Skies Behind Me    Bridge to Winter

Photos from tropicaliving, bill barfield, and hopeisalot.

Posted By
Zack Sheppard

I'm a native Nevadan. I currently work at Flickr as the Senior Community Manager, and I also do training, and some writing there. I love information, but I love people above all things.