NOW OPEN – Flickr Carnival Group

Carnival season is underway in many countries across the world, and we didn’t want to miss the chance to celebrate such a special occasion with the Flickr community! The Venice Carnival just started, the Rio Carnival is approaching fast, and Mardi Gras parties are just around the corner! No matter where in the world you are, you can still participate! We want to see every costume parade, masquerade, dance, firework show, and colorful tradition out there. The Flickr Carnival group is now open to submissions and, as in previous years, we are encouraging all Flickr users to share their photos with the world. You’ll be happy to hear the Flickr Carnival group isn’t the jealous type and doesn’t care how many other groups a photo is in, so don’t worry about the limits!

Carnaval Correntino 2017 // Correntinian Carnival 2017

Add your images to the official group and tag them with #FlickrCarnival. We’ll promote our favorites on the Flickr Blog and on Flickr social media channels throughout the months of February and March. Be sure to update your social media links on your Flickr About page so we can tag you. We’ll always give your work credit with a link back to your Flickr account. We also encourage you to share the stories behind the images you upload to the group by adding a photo description.

Here are some of our favorite carnival photos from the past year. Get inspired!

Carnaval Correntino 2017 // Correntinian Carnival 2017
Carnaval vénitien d'Annecy
Los Peregrinos