Welcome the Museum of Photographic Arts to the Commons!

Sunrise on Custer Battlefield

Canon de Chelly - Navaho

Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, 1920      The Red Man


Victor Hugo

The newest addition to the Flickr Commons is the Museum of Photographic Arts. (A good fit for Flickr. Being a museum about photography and all.) In their own words, “Since its founding in 1983, the Museum of Photographic Arts (MoPA) has been devoted to collecting, conserving and exhibiting the entire spectrum of the photographic medium. The Museum’s endeavors consistently address cultural, historical and social issues

The images already uploaded to their account are all stunning and often dreamy. Highlights from collection include photographs from William Henry Fox Talbot, Eadweard J. Muybridge, Julia Margaret Cameron, Jean-Eugène-Auguste Atget and more. With every photograph they include information about the image and photographer to help you understand a little more about when it was created and how. Of course like every member of the Commons, they invite you to add more information about the photos by commenting and tagging.

Enjoy the collection! It’s a stunner.

Posted By
Zack Sheppard

I'm a native Nevadan. I currently work at Flickr as the Senior Community Manager, and I also do training, and some writing there. I love information, but I love people above all things.

Welcome the Museum of Photographic Arts to the Commons!

Sunrise on Custer Battlefield

Canon de Chelly - Navaho

Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, 1920      The Red Man


Victor Hugo

The newest addition to the Flickr Commons is the Museum of Photographic Arts. (A good fit for Flickr. Being a museum about photography and all.) In their own words, “Since its founding in 1983, the Museum of Photographic Arts (MoPA) has been devoted to collecting, conserving and exhibiting the entire spectrum of the photographic medium. The Museum’s endeavors consistently address cultural, historical and social issues

The images already uploaded to their account are all stunning and often dreamy. Highlights from collection include photographs from William Henry Fox Talbot, Eadweard J. Muybridge, Julia Margaret Cameron, Jean-Eugène-Auguste Atget and more. With every photograph they include information about the image and photographer to help you understand a little more about when it was created and how. Of course like every member of the Commons, they invite you to add more information about the photos by commenting and tagging.

Enjoy the collection! It’s a stunner.

Posted By
Zack Sheppard

I'm a native Nevadan. I currently work at Flickr as the Senior Community Manager, and I also do training, and some writing there. I love information, but I love people above all things.