Twitter Tuesday: Die Wasser Auswahl

Am Dienstag war unser Twitter Tuesday-Thema Wasser. In vielen verschiedenen Formen und Farben flossen eure erfrischendsten Fotos an uns vorbei. Einige von ihnen haben es in unsere nähere Auswahl geschafft, die ihr unten sehen könnt. Werft auch einen Blick auf die anderen eurer Beiträge in unserem @Flickr-Feed.

The Blue Lagoon
CardiganKateThe Blue Lagoon
Slowly Sinking
Take a deep breath
Lagos, Portugal
Sydney Aquarium
Posted By
Kay Kremerskothen

Kay is a Community Manager for Flickr and passionate about extraordinary photography. As an editor on Flickr Blog he loves to showcase the beauty and diversity of Flickr in his posts. When he's not blogging or making Flickr more awesome (in front of and behind the scenes), you can find him taking pictures with his beloved Nikon and iPhone, listening to Hans Zimmer's music or playing board games. | On Flickr you can find him at