Flickr Fanfare in Chicago Sun-Times

A great article is in today’s Chicago Sun-Times by Andy Ihnatko, Flickr photo tool has it all and more.

The goal of Flickr is obviously to turn your online photo library into a resource, not a limited set of features. And boy, are they good at it. No other photo-hosting site offers you so many ways of tossing pictures into your online library, or letting other folks take a look at ’em.

The Flickr folk succeed, essentially, by stealing damn near every single great idea that’s floating around on the Internet.

We swear he isn’t on our payroll, he just likes Flickr a whole lot. (He also has a really great web site where you can catch more of his tech punditry and funniness, and see the Flickr photo strip in action. He has two goldfish named “Click” and “Drag”. Geek humor!)

We’ve also gathered all our press on one page of consolidated bragging, should you care to observe us in the unseemly act of using other people to toot our own horns.

Bonus: Here’s a link to a cool photoset, Spatial Memory, words and imagery found in the street in Oslo: