Christian Science Monitor Raves about Flickr

There’s a great article in the Christian Science Monitor about Flickr today, ‘Flickr’ is in an online photo class by itself:

This week’s review will include a larger than usual number of "and’s," "also’s," and "in-addition’s," because this week’s website pursues a single goal with an exceptionally thorough approach. While online photo sharing applications are commonplace on the web, and while Flickr, like the rest, will allow you to store a collection of photos onsite and link those images to offsite weblogs, it also does so much more that we might as well just designate a new category for this specific service. After all, the easiest way to be in a class by yourself is to invent the class.

Created by Ludicorp, an online research and development company based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Flickr claims to be ("almost certainly") the best online photo sharing and organization application in the world, and it would be a difficult claim to dispute even without the qualification. While still in beta, the service has been getting the kind of raves that most software developers can only dream of (have a look at the Accolades page), and the knowledge that the final version is still under construction has one wondering what other features they can possibly add. (More…)