Faces of ONE

George, Vancouver New do askew terrence One DSCN3481x kellan Daddy and Daughter Lots o drivin Generic PR headshot Lima, Peru/Santa Clara, CA Kevin, Fremont, California Caterina Dan, London photo by a friend Heather, San Francisco

ONE is the campaign to make poverty history.

ONE believes in the best American tradition of helping other help themselves.

ONE believes it is the time to join with other countries in a historic
pact for compassion and justice to help the poorest people of the world
overcome AIDS and extreme poverty.

ONE believes in fair trade, debt relief, fighting corruptions and
directing additional resources for basic needs – education, health,
clean water, food, and care for orphans.

ONE person. ONE face. ONE voice. ONE vote at a time. ONE better, safer world for all.

You are ONE.

The Flickr Team is very pleased to support ONE.org by powering “Who is ONE”. You too can show your support for ONE by adding your photo to the Faces of ONE Group.