Did you know The White House’s photostream has been viewed over 41,000,000 times since it started in February of 2009? They average about 50,000 hits a day and some days it spikes to over 200,000!
This feat is in no small part due to Pete Souza, the official White House photographer who takes the majority of the photos in the photostream. If you’ve ever wondered how someone gets an amazing job like that or what it’s like to follow the president with a camera all day here’s your chance to ask. Pete will be doing a live video chat on Thursday October 28 at 7:00 p.m. EDT.
Flickr members can submit questions in advance. To ask a question just leave it in a comment on this image in the White House photostream. (He may not get to all the questions but will answer as many as possible during the live chat.)
Tune into WhiteHouse.gov/live on October 28th to hear Pete’s answers or join the discussion through the White House Facebook application.
The photo above is Pete’s personal favorite from the The White House photostream.