More than 1,300 of you submitted around 3,000 pictures, and more than 20,000 votes were recorded, which created a short list of 10 finalists per country. The result: 12 winning pictures from four different European countries that will be featured in Flickr’s 2014 European calendar.
Without further ado, here are the selected winners:
For France, Shin新Rico, SANDIE BESSO, and Basa Jauna:
For Germany DerRebby, Marius Vieth, and NEWS: the flow s(l)ideshow:
For Spain wang-lu, hipòlit_pascual, and chukiast:
And for the UK Donna_Tzaneva, TBSteve, and Romek✈︎Samolot:
According to the juries, the winning pictures celebrate the beauty, the interestingness, and even the mundane of our daily views of the streets in Europe.
To read more about the contest and see all the other photos, visit the Flickr Calendar 2014 group.
We thank all the participants, voters and – of course – congratulate the twelve winners!