While other kids his age were reading comics and young adult books, Zev Hoover was poring through online Photoshop tutorials. By 10, he was taking photos of his mother's glass sculptures for her art installation proposals and creating visualization of what the art would look like installed at the prospective locations (according to his mother, she was told on more than one occasion that jurists had never seen such amazing visualizations).
Now at 15, Zev is a photo wunderkind who creates magical-realist dreamscapes and miniaturizations, where his tiny subjects (the “little people,” as he describes them) adventure through landscapes that bend the viewer’s expectations of proportion, aspect, and space. His explorations lead us through his imagination and leave us wanting to see more.
Zev is the youngest of the Flickr 20under20 and the judges who selected him were mesmerized by how advanced his art is and where they imagine he will take it in the coming years.
If you missed The Weekly Flickr profile of Zev, take another watch. “I like putting my eye near the ground,” Zev says in the interview, “because you see a totally different world when you’re thinking from the point of view of something smaller than you. Everywhere I go, I see a perfect spot for a little person. Maybe it’s a little rock, which makes for a perfect cave for a person, or perhaps it’s a leaf that would make for a perfect boat… I see that everywhere.”
We’re so happy to promote Zev and all our 20under20 finalists for their inspiring work and we look forward to the October 1st gala in New York City’s Milk Studios. Learn more about Zev and the other 20under20 and be sure to vote for the audience choice awards on that page. Also feel free to nominate young photographers for the 2015 awards.