A busy week indeed but here we are and the weekend awaits! It is time for ‘Weekly Snapshot with Flickr Social’ to kick off this weekend. Each week we highlight some exceptional photos from our Flickr Social group. If you haven’t joined yet, head on over to Flickr Social and start sharing your own photos for a chance to be featured.
“spreading the colors apart”- helaku h
“The King in the wood”- Simon Lewis
“Étangs de Fontargent”- Enric Matas
“die Rosen blühen immer noch”- Selma Barbara
“Navy Yard Boardwalk”- Emma K Alexandra
“Father and son on pilgramage – overland 1987”- Kai Sairanen
“Walney Wind Farm on the Irish Sea (1)”- Paul Austin Murphy
“- L’Arc En Ciel -“-Jacqueline ter Haar
See you next week!
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