27 July, 2004

More tweaks and changes went up today… Here’s the list:

  • We’ve added a sitemap so you can see everything laid out before you
  • If you’ve ever wanted to know who counts you as a contact, now you can, with the shiny new “See who counts you as a contact” page. There’s a new link at the bottom of your “People” page
  • Who’s watching you? See how many times your photostream has been viewed… The count is underneath the archive list on your photostream page
  • We’ve all become obsessed with making our calendars full, so we added a feature to help. Now you can edit the “Posted On” date for each of your photos. This means you can change the order that your photos appear in your photostream (and your calendar). You’ll see a little edit link next to the date, when you’re looking at one of your photos.
  • Calendar views now take more notice of the owner’s timezone… so if i’m looking at my brother’s calendar, even though it’s a little light on for photos (get on that Andy!), I see it from his perspective, not mine.
  • Lastly, we’ve trimmed the options for your feeds down to RSS 2.0 and Atom. Hope you’re ok with that!