Student photographer captures Beyoncé’s eye

Photographer Susannah Benjamin has always had a knack for storytelling. Before she could read or write, Susannah told stories by drawing photos. As she got older, her passion evolved to writing, ultimately blending her words into stunning photography. Years later, her narrative photography would lead her to an incredible job that caught the attention of superstar, Beyoncé.

Twitter Tuesday: Traffic

Yesterday we asked you to find out your best shot of #Traffic for the #TwitterTuesday theme this week. We’ve got great shares from all of you. Whether the textile made by lights of cars in the evening, or the shadows of stopped bikes projected on the road, or people and creatures waiting for crossing the road or train, they all remind us the moment when we are moving.

Group for World Cup in Brazil

Are you ready for one of the biggest and most beloved sporting events on the planet? The world is arriving in Brazil to cheer on their country in football’s biggest stage, the World Cup, and we invite you to share how you experience this event.