Photographer Spotlight: Gustavo Minas

For a long time we have been fascinated by the street photography of Gustavo Minas. Based in Brazil, he manages to tell captivating stories through is photos that always seem to have a social, investigative component that makes us want to know more about the people portrayed.

Movie-poster images honor everyday heroes

As a kid growing up, Brandon Cawood loved superheroes. As he got older, he began to realize that real-life superheros were all around him. The 30-year-old photographer decided to give firefighters, police officers, and emergency responders the kind of superhero treatment they deserved, by creating epic movie-poster style photos of those first on the scene.

Throwback Thursday: Vehicles

In this week’s throwback journey, we’re featuring the many fascinating motorized vehicles, and their motorists, offered in photography from The Commons. From shots of a Melbourne stroll in a sidecar, proud car owners in New Hampshire, JFK enjoying a convertible limo …

Precious Petra of Jordan

Designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985, the ancient city of Petra, Jordan, offers carved-rock architecture unlike any other, some of which may have been built back in the 5th century BCE.

Photographer Spotlight: Anthony Samaniego

We’re excited to profile Anthony Samaniego, a Los Angeles-based photographer whose remarkable portfolio delights us and gives us pause to speculate how he captured his shots. Shooting exclusively on film, he creates moody double exposures and fantastic blurs that make you want to embrace the Southern California cool aesthetic.

July stormscapes

To begin this month, severe storms passed through much of the United States. Lightning ripped through the sky on the East Coast, and foreboding clouds triggered tornado-warnings in Colorado. Many photographers turned their cameras to the tumultuous sky and caught remarkable weather moments.

Photographer Spotlight: Eduardo Acierno

Eduardo Acierno realized his first success in photography using an old point-and-shoot camera; he edits his amazing work with a free, open-source software program. He wants to drive home a point, that anyone can take great photos and anyone can do it with modest equipment.

Nature’s dancing lights

Over 2,000 species of the beetle family Lampyridae (aka fireflies) are known for their unique ability to illuminate via bioluminescence. The males use this behavior to attract mates in flight, creating a courtship of light streaks captured in long-exposure photography.